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19th August 2020 Latest News Diabetes National

Fighting for the health of every South Australian

Helen Lech   Regular Giver

Meet our valued donor, Helen Lech.

Seeing the variety of healthcare areas that THRF supports is a source of comfort for valued donor Helen Lech.

Having diabetes herself, seeing her husband and brother suffer strokes and other friends affected by cancer, it is reassuring for Helen that there are people out there fighting for her and her loved one’s health.

“The Under Our Roof homes are great, I can imagine they would be a great help to people who live far away and need to come to Adelaide for treatment,” Helen said.

“A lot of young children also seem to be getting illnesses a lot more now, so it’s nice to see there’s help for them too.”

Helen is a cherished Monthly Giver, making an automated donation to THRF each month.

And while the 76-year-old keeps very healthy herself apart from dealing with the affects of her diabetes, she was still concerned when coronavirus hit South Australia.

“There wasn’t a lot known about it at the start, I wasn’t even sure what the symptoms were,” she said.

“But Nardia (from THRF) helped me with that which was good.

“I know my donations are going to a good place and the monthly payment has been easy to set up. I love reading the Impact Report, it’s always very interesting.”

Thank you for you ongoing support Helen!

For more information about becoming a Regular Giver, speak to one of our friendly team members on (08) 8244 1100 or click here.
