New system to increase efficiencies for SA researchers.
As the largest non-government funder of medical research and patient care in South Australia, The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) Group understands the time and effort required to manage governance and ethics for research projects.
This week THRF Group is proud to formally announce its financial support of SA Health’s new Research GEMS (Governance and Ethics Management System), which aims to increase efficiencies for South Australian researchers.
The implementation of this new system is the first recommendation of the ‘Review of Research Governance’ in the Department for Health and Wellbeing (SA) and related local health networks conducted by Jim Birch in July 2018.
In September 2020 THRF Group was honoured to have Professor Nicola Spurrier, Chief Public Health Officer for South Australia officially open its new head office at 62 Woodville Road Woodville.
During her speech, Prof Spurrier specifically mentioned the impending implementation of GEMS and thanked THRF and its supporters for their support of the system.
“While something like a software system may sound a little boring to the general public, as a clinician and researcher I can completely testify to the fact this new system will be a game-changer for research in South Australia,” Prof Spurrier said.
“It will enable researchers to manage the essential governance and ethics required for their projects seamlessly, intuitively, and all in one place.
“A huge thank you to The Hospital Research Foundation for providing this funding to enable SA Health to implement the system.”
Information for researchers
The Office for Research, Department for Health and Wellbeing (DHW) will facilitate the implementation of GEMS in collaboration with the research offices within each of the Local Health Networks. They will also manage the ongoing contract and administration of the system.
The previous system, Online Forms, has now been turned off with GEMS anticipated to go live in December. SA Health has developed an interim process for each of the local health networks and information about this is available here.
For further information on the new system, please contact the Research GEMS team on [email protected].