An unprecedented $2.25 million has been committed to progress vital palliative care services for under-served communities in South Australia, thanks to a grant from The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) Group.
The five-year funding has been awarded to a consortium of SA’s three major universities and an extensive network of partners. The grant will focus on improving access to end-of-life services for culturally and linguistically diverse communities, rural and remote areas and those experiencing low socio-economic status.
The funding will bring together the state’s leading palliative care researchers from The University of Adelaide, University of South Australia, Flinders University, various Local Health Networks and peak advocacy organisations to help bridge the gap for care for these more vulnerable populations.
Associate Professor Jaklin Eliott, Project Lead at The University of Adelaide said THRF Group’s funding will help improve access to and delivery of palliative care, by working closely with under-served communities.
“Sadly, not all South Australians know about and can access palliative care, sometimes due to issues such as location, community awareness, finances, and workforce limitations,” A/Prof Eliott said.
“In this much-needed project funded by The Hospital Research Foundation Group’s Palliative Care arm, we aim to improve the access to and delivery of palliative care for under-served communities in SA.
“With a public health, whole-of-system approach and collaboration across three South Australian universities, we will promote death literacy within communities and cultural literacy in palliative care within clinicians.
“Working with patients and families, communities, non-profits, clinicians and policy-makers, we will identify and develop resources addressing what is needed to support under-served South Australians to access end-of-life care preferred by and meaningful to patients and their carers.
“We are hugely grateful to The Hospital Research Foundation Group – Palliative Care for supporting this project and helping us move forward to ensure access to timely and appropriate healthcare for all.”
Palliative care is an important focus area for THRF Group, focusing on providing quality palliative care support and essential research for all South Australians, regardless of where they live.
The successful merger of Laurel Palliative Care Foundation (LPCF) with THRF Group in 2020 to form THRF Group – Palliative Care, was designed to maximise impact and garner statewide philanthropic support for this essential area of healthcare.
Access to palliative care for vulnerable communities
THRF Group – Palliative Care Executive Director Tony Lawson said the Foundation placed a huge priority on helping vulnerable sections of the community.
“At THRF Group – Palliative Care, we believe everyone deserves access to quality palliative care,” Tony said.
“We are passionate about lending our support to this collaboration of palliative care experts from around Australia, who like us are committed to making a meaningful difference in people’s lives when they need it most.
“Access to essential patient services, particularly at the most heart-breaking of times, is a basic yet essential healthcare service. We’re always grateful to our generous supporters for enabling us to fund this critical unmet need in the community.”
Collaborating organisations:
The University of Adelaide (Administering Institution)
Flinders University
University of South Australia
Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN)
University of Western Sydney
La Trobe University
Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN)
Flinders & Upper North Local Health Network (FUN-LHN)
Barossa Hills Fleurieu Local Health Network (BHF-LHN)
Central Adelaide Palliative Care Service / Central Adelaide Local Area Health Network (CALHN)
Commission on Excellence & Innovation in Health / Statewide Palliative Care Clinical Network
Multicultural Communities Council of SA
Palliative Care SA
ACH Group