Local researchers are banding together to deliver world-leading insights into COVID-19.
The Hospital Research Foundation Group has been proud to support many areas including immunology, vaccine development, clinical trials, new ventilator technology, mental health, sanitation, and help for vulnerable patient groups and frontline healthcare workers.
COVID-19 Support
Bringing a cutting-edge DNA vaccine designed by University of Adelaide researchers and manufactured in South Australia to target the highly-transmissible Omicron COVID-19 variant to human trials.
Supporting a South Australian-led research collaboration which is analysing the immune response of recovered COVID-19 patients to determine how the virus affects the body, why some patients become sicker than others, how long recovered patients may be immune for, and use these insights to develop a vaccine.
Supporting the Australasian COVID-19 Trial (ASCOT) across 28 hospital sites in Australia, New Zealand, India and Nepal to test various drugs and treatment combinations to reduce mortality or the need for mechanical ventilation in hospitalised but not yet critically ill patients with COVID-19.
Developing and testing a new “field” ventilator which doesn’t need to be used in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting or by ICU trained staff, with a key benefit being to help developing countries deal with the pandemic.
Investigating whether existing antibodies that treat acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) would be effective in treating COVID-19.
Investigating the wellbeing and mental health of the South Australian community pre and post COVID-19 to inform future public health support.
Determining the impact of COVID-19 on people with cancer to help develop the best course of action for these patients.
Supporting a review of the screening process of all staff and visitors attending hospitals during the height of the pandemic to check for COVID-19 symptoms or contact with people overseas and interstate.
Delivering care hampers for healthcare workers, pathology staff, people in quarantine, people in COVID testing lines and more across the pandemic.
Supplying 150 Spirometer lung testing machines for people living with Cystic Fibrosis to use at home, to avoid having this vulnerable group visit hospital for their regular tests and better facilitate Telehealth consultations with their specialists.