A range of free come-and-try activities have been organised for Active Ageing Week from 4-10 October as part of Active Ageing Australia’s national ‘Move Your Way’ campaign.
The Hospital Research Foundation Group is partnering with ECH and the SANFL to deliver these exciting activities, including Walking Footy, Walking Groups, Tai Chi sessions, bocce, table tennis and Nutrition For Life sessions.
The ‘Move Your Way’ campaign challenges society’s expectations of ageing by highlighting that regardless of age, people can live life as fully as possible by staying active. Active ageing includes staying both physically and mentally active, as well as staying socially connected with your community.
Laura Perdue, Chair of Active Ageing Australia, says evidence shows that the loss of function and muscle mass associated with ageing can be slowed with regular physical activity – including strength, balance and flexibility training.
However according to COTA’s State of the Older Nation 2021 Report, 54 per cent of Australians aged 60 and over do not do the recommended minimum two hours of moderate or vigorous physical activity per week. This cohort has significantly grown since 2018.
‘By increasing moderate physical activity by just 15 minutes, five times a week, older people aged 65 and over who are ‘at risk’ of disease can improve their overall health and wellbeing while reducing future disease by 19 per cent,’ said Ms Perdue.
Although people are often challenged by major life events including illness, surgery, loss of social connections and now the COVID-19 pandemic, Active Ageing Australia is hopeful that this campaign will inspire them to find new ways to get outdoors and be active.
“While major life events may be seen by some people as obstacles, they also provide new opportunities to find different ways to be active.” said Ms Perdue.
ECH Chief Executive Dr David Panter said Active Ageing Week demonstrates that remaining active is essential to your overall health and wellbeing.
“Staying physically and mentally active is vital. There are many ways for older people to include movement in their daily life and regular participation in sport or other physical activities has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Connecting with others, learning new skills, making an ongoing contribution to society, and doing the things that give a sense of purpose are all important to ageing well,” said Dr Panter.
For more information about Active Ageing Week, please visit activeageing.org.au
For more about ECH events, visit ech.asn.au/events