Supporting South Australians during this latest COVID-19 outbreak
The Hospital Research Foundation (THRF) Group is throwing its support behind the thousands of South Australians doing the right thing and being tested for COVID-19 in this latest outbreak.
THRF Group Chief Executive Paul Flynn has announced a major community grant that will help deliver care packs and free coffee to motorists and people who are waiting for COVID tests across the state from today.
The initiative is in partnership with the office of the Chief Public Health Officer, Red Cross volunteers and the South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission.
“Coffee vans supplying complimentary refreshments will also be located at as many sites as possible. It’s a small gesture of our gratitude to the people who are ensuring the health and wellbeing of themselves, their family, friends and the entire state,” Paul said.
“This is a timely opportunity to give back to people in the community who always support us in the fight for better treatments, care and research for South Australians impacted by disease and illness.
“We’re grateful to every single person doing their part to help eradicate this insidious virus from our great state.
“We’d also like to thank all of the Red Cross volunteers who’ve been working around the clock putting these packs together and SA Health staff for allocating them to people safely.”
This is only possible through the generous support of the community who, like us, want to fight for better treatments and improved healthcare for everyone impacted by debilitating disease and illness.
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